Washington PTA Focus Day

During each year’s legislative session, Washington State PTA holds its annual Focus Day that brings members together at the state capitol to advocate for the association’s legislative platform.
This year we will begin at First Christian Church located at 701 Franklin St SE on Monday, January 20th.
The Focus Day program will begin at 9:30 am with an introduction to the day and information focused on the 2020 legislative session and end at 3:00 pm.
Please be sure to register and pre-purchase your lunch for the day (lunch must be pre-purchased by January 16).
Making Appointments
It is important to make appointments with the legislators as far in advance as possible. Input addresses here to get the names of the Representatives and Senator(s) for your school district and their contact information. Members should consult with their local PTA, council, or region advocacy chair for assistance in making legislator appointments. Appointments may begin as early as 8:00 am. Due to the limited availability of appointments and the distance traveled, WSPTA recommends that your first priority be to make an appointment over participating at the church.
Agenda (subject to change)
- 9:30 am Welcome
- 10:00 am Focus on Session 2020
- 11:15 am Invited speakers, including Chris Reykdal at 11:30 am
- 11:45 am Pre-purchased lunches handed out, Q&A session, and more
- 12:15 pm Invited speakers
- 2:00 pm Sharing of experiences
- 3:00 pm Thank you and travel home safely
Members are encouraged to come and go from the church throughout the day based on personal appointments with legislators.
WSPTA has created a postcard that individuals or PTAs can print, write a personal message, and then mail or hand-deliver to their legislators.
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